Innovative technology has disrupted the trucking industry for the last several years. While trucking companies can expect that momentum to keep on rolling, there are several insights from 2019 worth revisiting.
- ELDs highlighting HOS troubles. Whether being lauded or reviled, the electronic logging device (ELD) mandate stirred up a lot of discussion within the trucking community. While the true effectiveness of the devices remains to be seen, they have shown a spotlight on problems with the existing hours of service (HOS) regulations. Truckers are finding it near impossible to perform their jobs while abiding by the HOS rules. As a result, the federal motor carrier safety administration (FMCSA) is looking into amending the regulations.
- Independent contractors are in the crosshairs. Two states have put the independent contractor model on high alert. California and New Jersey have both attempted to pass laws that would make it impossible to continue operating as an independent contractor thanks to new requirements to qualify as such. While the law is on a temporary halt in California, the threat remains.
- Finding high-quality drivers continues to be a challenge. The driver shortage is a hot topic and subject to a lot of debate within the industry. As the shortage continues to grow, truck drivers themselves are denouncing the shortage as a lack of drivers. Truckers point to inadequate pay as the reason companies can’t find good drivers. The problem isn’t that good drivers don’t exist—it’s that good drivers expect their compensation to reflect.
- Drug concerns are on the rise. Strict guidelines regulate the trucking industry with a zero-tolerance policy for abuse of controlled substances. However, as more states continue to legalize marijuana, trucking companies need to be ready to address drug use with their drivers. While individual states may allow marijuana use, federal law continues to prohibit it and drivers who test positive will face the usual consequences.
- Smart tech has arrived. Developers within the industry have finally unveiled much of their promised smart technology for trailers. Fleet managers can now access data regarding their trucks such as tire pressure, trailer temperature for temperature-sensitive cargo, location, how full the trailer is, and more.
The trucking industry is in a state of flux and that fact isn’t likely to change anytime soon. Fleets need to be ready to address challenges, keep pace with their competitors, and react to changes in technology as well as safety regulations. While these changes may seem daunting, the experts at DriverCheck can help. Contact us to learn more about the latest innovations in trucking safety and technology.