Your worse nightmare? One of your fleet vehicles is involved in a collision that includes a fatality or a disabling injury. One way to keep this nightmare from becoming a reality is to invest in vehicle risk-management solutions that include a How’s My Driving safety program.
How’s My Driving programs help companies identify and counsel employees who exhibit unsafe driving actions and behaviors before they have a collision. But how many of your drivers are putting your company at undue risk?
The 80-20 Rule
You are probably familiar with the 80-20 rule. In general terms, it says that, in many situations, 80% of actions or effects are caused by 20% of the actors or elements involved. A few common examples include the following:
80% of church contributions are given by 20% of the church’s members.
80% of classroom discipline problems are caused by 20% of the students.
In general, the same statistics hold true for employees and driving issues. Eighty percent of a fleet’s collisions are caused by approximately 20 percent of the drivers.
How’s My Driving programs help to quickly identify this small percentage of your drivers that are putting your company at extreme risk. Through driver counseling and online training, you can then work with these at-risk drivers to correct their unsafe driving actions and behaviors.
Why is Driver Monitoring Critical?
How’s My Driving programs are your eyes on the road. They allow you to focus your safety efforts on the employees most likely to cause a collision. Insurance statistics have shown a direct correlation between How’s My Driving Observation Reports and the reduction of company risk.
Driver training programs will also reduce the collision frequency—and they can protect your company brand. Vehicle monitoring and driver safety hotline programs offer a compelling return on investment.
Driver Check provides How’s My Driving and online driver training programs that will help your company reduce collisions and their associated costs. Contact us today to learn how we can help you mitigate the risks in your company fleet.