Commercial drivers already possess a variety of skill sets when they join your company. Your job is to make them into a team that works together, especially when it comes to safety. But organizing orientation and training for a diverse group of drivers in different locations and with different skill and experience levels can be an immense logistical challenge for most businesses.
Streamlining and modernizing the training process is a solution that benefits your company and its drivers—and it can be accomplished through online driver training. Though most individuals use the internet daily, most businesses have been slow to adapt training methodologies for online delivery.
With online training programs, you can quickly assign a variety of training modules and track your drivers’ progress in completing them. Driver schedules and geographical differences are no longer an impediment to providing professional driver training. Additionally, knowledge retention and refresher courses can be administered on an as-needed basis.
Leveraging online driver training isn’t the solution of tomorrow – it’s available now. If your fleet is learning in a classroom, on a blackboard, or with a binder full of papers, there’s an easier and more cost effective option. Watch this 2 minute video to learn more about online driver training, or click here to ask us about your driver training needs.