Companies exploring the use of a Learning Management System (LMS) to provide training for their drivers have many options. So how does a busy manager determine which LMS system would work best for his or her company and situation?
Here are 10 important questions to ask about the LMS you are considering using for your driver training needs.
Were the modules that are being used produced by a recognized leader in driver safety, for example, the National Safety Council?
- Are the training modules SCORM complaint so that they can be easily and securely moved between a variety of LMS servers?
- Can the manager easily assign training modules to a large number of drivers, including deadline dates for completion of the modules?
- Will drivers automatically receive electronic notification of their assignments, along with a one-click link for accessing the modules?
- Are the modules available 24/7/365?
- Are the modules interactive, and is testing available to determine how much of the safety information the driver has retained?
- Is tracking easily available so that the manager and the driver can see which modules have been taken and which ones remain?
- Can the manager receive automatic notification when modules have been completed?
- Does all of your data reside in a single, organized system, with user-appropriate accessibility?
- Can you export training data for review and for using the results in driver reviews?
The answers to these questions should help to identify the strengths in any proposed LMS. For more frequently asked questions on this topic, click here. To ask DriverCheck about implementing or refining driver learning management systems, contact us today.