Commercial drivers are a key component of businesses that focus on transportation or delivery of physical goods. The safer your drivers, the better your reputation, and the lower your operating costs. Promoting a culture of safety in the workplace can help ensure that your drivers understand the behaviors necessary to reduce risk and improve safety and profitability.
Which of your employees are driving safely and enhancing your brand? Which ones exhibit at-risk actions or behaviors that threaten your company’s future? Which drivers are ignoring the company’s policies related to driving safety and courtesy?
At-risk drivers generally comprise a small but costly minority of a fleet. Identifying them can save the business money, improve team morale, and reinforce the importance of adhering to safety and security protocols.
One of the easiest and most cost-effective ways to ascertain real-world driver behavior is to use a vehicle monitoring program. These programs leverage feedback from thousands of other drivers already on the road. When considering a vehicle monitoring program, here are a few key statistics to keep in mind:
- 80% of drivers never receive a complaint
- 10% receive only one complaint
- 10% receive the majority of all complaints. These drivers need immediate counseling to change their at-risk behaviors.
Contact us to learn more about vehicle monitoring and its potential impact on your business.