How's My Driving?“How’s my driving?” bumper stickers are a common sight on commercial vehicles. Even so, these are not just a gimmick; they are part of a safety program designed to improve driver behavior and get unsafe drivers off the roads. Such programs allow motorists to report erratic or sloppy driver behavior. However, the purpose of the program is not to admonish drivers while breathing down their necks. When used correctly, these programs improve fleet safety, reduce collision rates, and lower insurance costs over time.

How Does It Work?

Not all driver safety programs work the same way. The DriverCheck How’s My Driving? program relies on observation calls. When a motorist reports a vehicle, DriverCheck generates and sends an observation report to the relevant safety administrator. That individual can then counsel the reported driver using resources and training developed by DriverCheck.

Unlike other vehicle monitoring programs (i.e. in-cab cameras, ride-alongs, etc.), How’s My Driving? is non-invasive and much more effective. Our program goes beyond identifying unsafe drivers. It also helps counsel and train them to mold them into the best and safest driver possible. Not only that, but our program produces results within a matter of months. In addition, How’s My Driving? isolates the riskiest of drivers without delay.

How’s My Driving? Statistics

DriverCheck’s safety program is effective and easy to implement. In addition to reducing collision costs, the program helps keep the roads safe. Below are several statistics common to the How’s My Driving? experience:

  • 80% of drivers will never receive a complaint
  • 10% of those who do receive complaints never receive a second
  • 10% of drivers will receive the vast majority of observation calls, which identifies the riskiest drivers

To reap the greatest benefits, carriers need to do more than observe driver behavior. They need to take action by counseling and training their drivers to reduce risk, lower costs from accidents and insurance, and save lives. To learn more about our driver safety program and training resources, contact us today.