Does anyone call the 1-800 number on the back of a vehicle? The answer is yes—thousands of people call each and every day.
If your vehicles are on the road, it’s a sure bet that there are other motorists and pedestrians who want to contact you about driver safety behaviors and actions. The 1-800 number gives them an easy and effective way to do that.
Callers are often upset about something they have witnessed, and they want someone in authority to know about it. DriverCheck’s client service specialists let the callers know up front that the report will be immediately sent to the safety supervisor. And we follow through with our promise, usually sending the report electronically within 15 minutes of the call.
Our reports contain a voice recording of the call so that managers can hear exactly what the caller said, complete with all the details, and, sometimes, emotions that the caller is feeling. Our clients appreciate these recordings, which allow them to “feel” what happened, which is more than just reading about it.
We ask each caller to give us their name and contact phone number in case the safety supervisor would like more information. Approximately 80% of DriverCheck’s callers are willing to do this, as we explain that the information is for the manager only and that the driver receives a copy of the report that does not contain any caller information.
Some of DriverCheck’s clients contact the callers to say “thank you,” letting them know that they are pleased that someone has taken the time to call with:
A compliment concerning an employee’s safe and courteous driving,
A safety concern related to an employee’s driving actions or behaviors,
A safety concern related to the vehicle’s equipment
DriverCheck does more than help prevent collisions and save money. It lets your customers and the general public know that your company cares about safety. It is also an inexpensive way of protecting your brand.
For that reason, one of our clients calls each DriverCheck report a “Gift from the Public”—a gift that allows the company to identify employees who demonstrate unsafe driving behaviors and actions. It’s also a gift that allows the company to express its concern for safety for all motorists and pedestrians, enhancing its brand recognition.